Q: Why does the service use cookies?
A: Cookies are used to manage sessions, which include selected language, last search, book bag contents, any login information, etc.

Q: What is an OER (Open Educational Resource)?
A: Open Educational Resources are freely accessible educational materials that can include textbooks, multimedia, and other resources that support learning.

Q: How can I search for OERs on this platform?
A: You can search for OERs by entering keywords, subjects, or specific topics in the search bar on the homepage.

Q: Are the resources on this platform free to use for students and teachers?
A: Yes, all resources on this platform are freely available for students and teachers to use for educational purposes.

Q: Can I download and reuse the OERs I find here?
A: In most cases, yes. OERs are typically licensed for reuse, but it's essential to check each resource's specific license for details.

Q: How can I contribute my own OERs to the platform?
A: You can contribute your OERs by following the submission guidelines provided on our website.

Q: What are the licensing terms for OERs, and how do I know if I can modify them?
A: OERs come with various licenses. Look for licensing information provided with each resource to determine if you can modify or adapt it.

Q: Do I need to create an account to access OERs on this platform?
A: No, you can access and download OERs without creating an account. However, having an account may provide additional benefits.

Q: How often is the content updated on this platform?
A: We strive to update our content regularly. The frequency of updates may vary depending on the availability of new OERs.

Q: What should I do if I encounter technical issues while using the platform?
A: If you experience technical issues, please contact our support team, and we will assist you in resolving the problem.

Q: Can I use the OERs in my classroom or educational institution?
A: Yes, our OERs are intended for educational use. You are encouraged to use them in your classroom or institution to support teaching and learning.